This worksheet is a supplement to the resource Assessing Readiness for Digital Services and is not meant to be a stand-alone tool. The longer document describes key concepts and dives deeper into each section included in this tool. This worksheet will help your program think through the critical questions required to determine your readiness to take on digital services. 

We encourage you to use the PDF version of the worksheet so you can include your answers, and for better compatibility with screen readers.

Purpose & Goal

  • How would digital services support, enhance, or extend your current services (and/or services within your community or state)?

  • How would your digital service differ from other services that are already available (within your own program, community, or nationally)?

  • Will your community (other service providers, local community, survivors) be supportive of this digital service?

  • How will you know if your digital service is successful? (Success should be measurable.)

  • Who are the stakeholders that should be involved in the development and implementation of your digital service?



  • Who will access the digital services?

    • Who is the intended audience (survivors, friends/family of survivors)?

    • Who might be the unintended audience (other service providers, abusers, community members)?

  • How will the digital service be a benefit for survivors?

  • What barriers might exist for people to access the digital service? (For example, video chat may exclude someone who doesn’t have access to high-speed internet.)

  • Will you advertise the service and, if so, how?


Privacy & Safety Risks

  • What are the potential privacy and safety risks for survivors that might arise with the digital service?

  • What are the potential confidentiality risks for your program that might arise with the digital service?

  • What are the potential safety risks for your staff that might arise with the digital service?


What other resources will you need to meet the increased number of survivors who will reach out or survivors reaching out from communities you don’t regularly work with (for example, youth survivors or survivors from another state)?


  • Will you need additional staffing? If so, how many more staff?

  • How much time will be required of your staff to offer this digital service?

  • Will your staff require new training? If so, what are those trainings?

  • What additional debriefing and support will your staff need?

Total Cost of Ownership

The table below is a list of possible costs related to offering digital services.