This app provides basic information about domestic violence, including resources for survivors and information for friends and families of victims. It contains information on the dynamics of abuse, common myths, orders of protection, and safety plans.

What We Like:

  • The app contains a feature that allows users to quickly hide the app from view. By clicking a button on the bottom of the screen, a fake iPhone start screen will appear. Survivors may also want to learn how to quickly minimize the app to the real home screen in case that may be more helpful.

Safety & Privacy Considerations / Tips:

  • There is a basic explanation of a Personal Protection Order (PPO), which is also commonly referred to as a Protection Order or Restraining Order. This explanation is extremely limited, including specifics that may be accurate in some states but not others. It’s important for survivors to know that the process of obtaining an order of protection and the scope of what one may include is state-specific. If interested in learning more about orders, survivors should talk with an advocate in her local community.
  • The Questions on Leaving section has some problematic information and language that may not be applicable or safe for all survivors. Leaving an abuser can be one of the most dangerous times for a survivor; one where an abuser’s may escalate their abusive behavior. Survivors should trust their instincts and talk with advocates, law enforcement, and attorneys in their local area to help ensure that they can leave safety. If there are children in common, it’s extremely important that the survivor talk to advocates and an attorney about applicable laws and custody issues.
  • Some of the images and language in the app depict physical abuse. It’s important for survivors to remember that abuse is not just physical assault, but can include emotional, financial, and sexual abuse as well. If what someone sees as a representation of domestic violence does not fit their experience, it doesn’t mean that they are not experiencing abuse.
  • Similarly, one section refers to the “cycle of abuse,” explaining a possible pattern that some survivors may experience. Research over the years has documented that most survivors do not relate to the “cycle” explanation. Survivors should trust their instincts and talk to an advocate in their community if they believe their partner is being abusive.

Other Considerations:

  • App does not appear to be accessible for people with disabilities in regards to the color scheme and font.
  • There is a Contact Support section, but when tested this did not provide the user with any information and showed an error message instead.


DV Info Screenshot 2