10 Steps to a More Secure Password

Today is World Password Day, and a reminder that you should change your password. Passwords are used for almost everything we do these days because, without a password, anyone can get into all your stuff: your phone, email, bank account, social media, etc. 

Here are some tips on how to create a secure password:

  1. Pick a password that will be hard for someone else to guess.

  2. Use different passwords for different accounts.

  3. Best passwords are longer than 8 characters and contain numbers and symbols.

  4. Keep your passwords simple, so you can remember it. 

  5. Share your password with no one. 

  6. Use 2-step verification/authentication (where you use your password as well as a code that's sent to your phone or email). 

  7. Uncheck the “remember me” or “keep me logged in” feature. 

  8. Always remember to log off. 

  9. Change your password often (today, for instance, on World Password Day!).

  10. Be strategic with secret questions and answers.

For more explanation on these tips, check out our handout on Password: Simple Ways to Increase Your Security.